Pressa idraulica universale con bacinelle a settori di gomma autoadattanti ad ogni tipo di scarpa compreso il tacco Luigi XV e puntali autolivellanti


The hydraulic sole-applying press model P2000 is greatly appreciated by customers both for its operational realiability and for the techinical accuracy of all its parts.Thanks to its lamellar sector pads with differentiated air-shape, the hydraulic press model P2000 allows to press soles on any type of footwear.Its self-levelling system for fixing the tips on the last, ensures a perfect and stable adhesion before the pressing cycle.This sole-pressing machine has been desing to allow any type of working to be carried out either on standard shoes or on boots, thanks to control the upstroke of the pad which ensures the possibility to choose a greater or smaller distance between the the work-table and the last-fixing tips.

Technical details
Dimensions: cm 101(40”) x 105(75”) x 190(75”)
Net weight: Kg 1010 (2226 LBS)
Electric power: Kw 1,5
Motor power: Kg/Cm 100
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